Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Time in the Mojave

How lucky I am to be interning in the Mojave this year. Weeks ago I heard that do to the relatively copious amount of rain this winter that the flower bloom should be the greatest in 5 or more years. My crew and I got to experience the bloom for 5 days of hiking last week. I took pictures of many of the 30-40 flower species I saw.

Hairy Sand Verbena

A type of Phacelia

Various flowers including a few types of primrose and Hairy Sand Verbena

Desert Dandelion

Yellow Cups

Purple Mat and Cooper Goldflower

On one of our hikes I came across these awesomely huge yucca plants that I'd never seen before.

Giant Nolina (approximately 12 feet tall)

Giant Nolina

The hibernating creatures have also started to emerge from hiding. I also almost stepped on a snake while hiking. He was out sunning himself and didn't notice me. It wasn't a rattlesnake thankfully. It was just a little guy that I haven't identified. It's definitely an exciting time in the desert!


  1. So beautiful, like a breath of fresh air. By the pictures it looks silent, away from the sounds of running motors (which is now rare in much of this country). A place where you can rejuvenate and find peace. A great place to explore.

    It seems odd to see pictures of fresh growing flowers after the long winter. Well, actually its still winter in my neck of the woods, -2F yesterday. But heard tell spring is around the corner and your wonderful pictures prove it.

  2. sweet pics yo.
    Grammar Nazi recommends, "due to"

  3. please bribg some springtime to Indiana.

    I am glad you can experience the good climate out there.

  4. Mikey!!! I wish I was there! The desert looks so beautiful. This is the first time I've visited your blog, I think. I'll come more regularly. You are really living the life. Miss you!

  5. Welcome to my blog Val. It's good to hear from you.
